Quality of Design / Quality of Conformance / Quality of Market & Sales

INTRODUCTION  - William Edwards Deming was an American statistician, professor, author, lecturer and consultant. He taught top management how to improve design (and thus service), product quality, testing, and sales (the last through global markets) through various m…

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Non Conformance Quiz


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PDCA Cycle / Plan Do Check Act / Deming Cycle

What is PDCA Cycle?  - The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle, also known the Deming Cycle, it is a four-step approach to problem-solving that allows you to test various solutions to a problem to find the most effective solution before implementation. The cycle can be r…

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TQM / Total Quality Management

- TQM-Total Quality Management concept focus on customer satisfaction through Total Employee Involvement-TEI and Continual Improvement in Product, Process and Services.   - All members of a organization / company engage / participate in improvement activities to ach…

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Non-conformance in ISO 9001:2015 / What is Non-conformance?

What is Non-conformance (NC) in ISO 9001?  - Non-conformance is defined as any instance where your organization fails to conform to the requirements of ISO 9001.  - ISO 9001 is a standard set by the worldwide organization for standardization, It outlines quality manage…

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What is 3M, 3K & 3G in Japanese Industries

What is 3M, 3K, 3G  - These words are widely used in Japanese industries. Whenever you visit in any Japanese company you will definitely listen these words.   - Basically these are “Best in-house practices followed on shop floor while working in industries. By adopting…

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Control Chart Interpretation, Rules and Patterns

Control Chart Interpretation, Rules and Patterns  - This will help us to identify the special cause of variation from the process.  - By using this rule we can identify and eliminate the cause and make our process streamline.  - Control Chart in 7QC Tools check this ar…

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