Showing posts with the label Lean ManufacturingShow all

Lean Manufacturing Quiz

- This quiz typically includes questions related to concepts such as waste reduction, continuous improvement, value stream mapping, and other key elements of lean methodology. Participants are expected to demonstrate their familiarity with tools like 5S, Kanban, and…

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8 Wastes in Lean Manufacturing

- In lean manufacturing, there are eight wastes, also known as "Muda," that can hinder efficiency and productivity within a process or organization.   - These wastes were originally identified by Toyota as part of the Toyota Production System (TPS).  -  Here…

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SIPOC Diagram / Supplier Input Process Output Customer

- A SIPOC (suppliers, inputs, process, outputs, customers) diagram is a visual tool for documenting a business process from beginning to end prior to implementation. SIPOC (pronounced sigh-pock) diagrams are also referred to as high level process maps because they do …

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What is 3M, 3K & 3G in Japanese Industries

What is 3M, 3K, 3G  - These words are widely used in Japanese industries. Whenever you visit in any Japanese company you will definitely listen these words.   - Basically these are “Best in-house practices followed on shop floor while working in industries. By adopting…

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Kanban System / What is Kanban?

Definition & Origin of Kanban  - Kanban (signboard) is a Japanese manufacturing system in which the supply of components is regulated through the use of an instruction card sent along the production line invented by Taiichi Ohno in 1940, an industrial engineer at T…

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Poka Yoke / Error Proofing / Mistake Proofing

What is Poka Yoke?  - Poka Yoke is a Japanese term in that "Poka" means mistake and "Yoke" means to avoid.  - It is a system or mechanism that helps to avoid mistakes.  - When any defective product occur, we can detect it, eliminate it or correct it…

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Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) & Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)

What is Meantime To Repair (MTTR)?  - Mean time to repair (MTTR) is a maintenance metric that measures the average time required to fix and repair failed equipment.  - It shows how quickly an organization can respond to unplanned breakdowns and repair them.…

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